There are so many takes, so many views, so many angles… Being a recovering control freak I remember holding on to “my way”. Believing that I had all the answers and my way was the right way, the best way, the only way… (you know you need to raise your hand!) I have to say it is an amazing experience to step back, change the light, cock my head to the side, see past the obvious, and really look at things. To look for something different from what I have always seen. To try to see how someone else might see it. Instead of walking a path with eyes of oblivion in a tunnel, but wide open soaking in the colors, textures, smells, and feelings it all brings. I am finding a new understanding of so many possibilities… not just what I have always seen or how I usually see things.

I have become so much more aware of whats around me and what goes on by being open to see things differently. Even asking questions to understand how someone else might be looking at the exact same thing I am looking at. And it is so very different from what I am seeing. What I may see as ugly someone else may see as beautiful. And what someone may see as decay I see as beautiful texture. With a new-found passion of photography I captured a few images I find beautiful in what I have walked by and ignored most of my life.

How will you choose to look at things with a different perspective today?